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Pure Essential Oils

31. Citronella Ceylon (Cymbopogon nardus - Sri Lanka)

Citronella essential oil, derived from a fragrant grass akin to lemongrass, is sourced from Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Indonesia. This pale yellow to yellowish-brown oil boasts a robust lemony aroma and is often used in massage oils to alleviate rheumatism. Its most popular application is as an insect repellent and it is also utilized in the production of soap and household disinfectants. When blended with Lemongrass and Eucalyptus, it creates a soothing scent perfect for room sprays. Citronella nardus, in particular, is known for its subtle lemony notes.


Pure Essential Oils

32. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea - France)

Clary Sage is a good tonic for the womb and particularly helpful with uterine problems. A hormone balancer thereby regulation scanty periods, easing pre-menstrual tension and painful cramps in the lower back by helping with muscle to unwind. Seems to have a good reputation with sexual problems by controlling underlying stress and exerts a positive effect on male and female fertility. Appears to possess some cell regenerating properties especially with scalp problems, encouraging hair growth and may clear greasy hair and dandruff.


Pure Essential Oils

33. Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllus - Indonesia)

Clove bud is the first choice as first aid for toothache. A couple of drops of clove essential oil on a cotton wool bud, applied to the aching tooth, has a slight anesthetic affect, relieving pain for a few hours. If the pain is caused by a lost filling, a piece of cotton wool soaked in clove oil and inserted into the cavity will have the same analgesic, anesthetic effect. It strong antiseptic properties make clove good at preventing colds and influenza. Overall, clove is pain-relieving, comforting and revitalizing. Psychologically, clove is both restorative and stimulating.


Pure Essential Oils

34. Clove Leaf (Eugenia caryophyllus - Madagascar)

Clove leaf is the first choice as first aid for toothache. A couple of drops of clove essential oil on a cotton wool bud, applied to the aching tooth, has a slight anesthetic affect, relieving pain for a few hours. If the pain is caused by a lost filling, a piece of cotton wool soaked in clove oil and inserted into the cavity will have the same analgesic, anesthetic effect. It strong antiseptic properties make clove good at preventing colds and influenza. Overall, clove is pain-relieving, comforting and revitalizing. Clove Leaf is lighter oil comparing with Clove Bud.


Pure Essential Oils

35. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum - India)

Coriander is a plant that grows wild or cultivated in North Africa and Russia, the essential oil extracted from seeds that have different aroma from the leaves. It is colorless or pale yellow with very pleasant, fresh and spicy with sweet musky-woody odour. The oil stimulates and aids digestion, it has been used in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. It's also good for gout, muscular aches, poor circulation and fluid retention with gently warming and comforting. The Coriander Oil from India has more herbal and spice scent than another one from Egypt.


Pure Essential Oils

36. Coriander Egypt (Coriandrum sativum - Egypt)

Coriander is a plant that grows wild or cultivated mainly North Africa, the essential oil extracted from entire herb that has signature coriander leaves aroma different from the seeds. It is colorless to pale yellow with very pleasant, fresh and signature coriander green odour. The oil stimulates and aids digestion, it has been used in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. It's also good for gout, muscular aches, poor circulation and fluid retention with gently warming and comforting. Psychologically, Coriander is reviving and good for stimulating low energy.


Pure Essential Oils

37. Cypress French (Cupressus sempervirens - France)

Cypress acts as a tonic to the circulatory system and also of use where there is excess heat. Its tonic effect on the liver helps to maintain the regular composition of the blood. Generally has proven helpful with the reproductive system, particularly menstrual problems such as pre-menstrual tension and the difficult side effects of the menopause, hormone imbalance and irritability. An antispasmodic action can help coughs associated with influenza, whooping cough and asthma. Good for using as the anti-cellulite blends for the body care products.


Pure Essential Oils

38. Davana (Artemisia pallens Wall. - India)

Davana is traditionally used to glorify the idol of Lord Shiva in India. The sweet fragrance of pale orange color essential oil widely used in Ayurveda in the treatment of mental disorders, nervous problems, depression, cough, cold, measles, infections, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is a promising anti-depressant that provokes divinity, spirituality, peaceful synergy and combat depression. It was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicinal formulations as an aphrodisiac and mood elevator. This oil blend well with Blue Lotus, Jasmine and Rose.


Pure Essential Oils

39. Elemi (Canarium luzonicum - Philippines)

Elemi is a tropical tree native to the Philippines. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the resin, similar to Frankincense or Myrrh, it has yellowish clear color and a pleasant aroma. It is effective for all chest infections, catarrh, and sinusitis. It's also an excellent skin-care oil with rejuvenating effects and reduces wrinkles. The oil has an action on the emotional and spiritual planes. It's a harmonizing oil, aligning mind, body, and spirit. It's a wonderful oil to burn during meditation when used with Frankincense.


Pure Essential Oils

40. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus - China)

Eucalyptus apparently useful for skin eruption like herpes and good for burns, preventing bacterial growth and subsequent pus formation, aiding construction of new tissue, has a cooling effect upon the emotions, aids concentration and strengthens the nervous system. Its antiviral action works well on the respiratory tract, soothing inflammation and easing mucus, particularly well for influenza, throat infection, coughs, catarrhal conditions and sinusitis, clear the head due to stuffiness from colds fever. Blend well with Lavender and Lemongrass.


Pure Essential Oils

41. Eucalyptus Spain (Eucalyptus globulus - Spain)

Eucalyptus boasts a variety of benefits. Its antiviral properties make it useful for skin eruptions such as herpes and burns, and it helps to prevent bacterial growth and aids in new tissue formation. Its cooling effect eases emotional turmoil, improves concentration and strengthens the nervous system. Additionally, it has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract, providing relief from inflammation and mucus, making it effective for influenza, throat infections, coughs, catarrhal conditions and sinusitis. The oil from Spain is considered to be of higher quality.


Pure Essential Oils

42. Eucalyptus Lemon (Eucalyptus citriodora - Madagascar)

Eucalyptus Lemon is an excellent choice for colds, sore throats and flu. Steam inhalations with lemon-scented eucalyptus help clear the sinuses and relieve headaches. A couple of drops of lemon-scented eucalyptus used in the bath, perhaps blended with lavender and rosemary, is refreshing and uplifting, good for athlete’s foot, herpes and dandruff, and makes an excellent insect repellent. It dispels fatigue and debility; it also clears the mind and can assist in making decisions, useful in meditations to keep the min clear and focused.


Pure Essential Oils

43. Eucalyptus Radiata (Eucalyptus radiata - Madagascar)

Eucalyptus Radiata is native to Australia but also widely grown in Madagascar. The essential oil has similar properties as Eucalyptus globulus oil but less intense and milder. It has a powerful antibacterial, antifungal and anti-infectious action, which makes it very useful for all types of infection. When vaporised, its decongestant action helps to clear sinusitis, a stuffy nose or relieve chestiness, as well as helping to stop coughs and colds spreading. It also makes a highly effective insect repellent. The most suitable Eucalyptus Oil for using with children.


Pure Essential Oils

44. Fennel Sweet (Foeniculum vulgare - Spain)

Fennel sweet, a sought-after essential oil, is renowned for its detoxifying properties and often used in lymphatic massage. Its diuretic properties aid in eliminating toxins, making it a powerful urinary-tract antiseptic. It can also alleviate flatulence and digestive issues, balance menstrual cycles and ease hormone fluctuations during menopause. On a psychological level, fennel sweet is protective, warming and grounding. A few drops, when rubbed between the palms and brushed over the aura, can safeguard against psychic disturbance.


Pure Essential Oils

45. Fingerroot (Boesenbergia pandurata - Thailand)

Fingerroot is a powerful and versatile oil that is distilled from the rhizomes. It is commonly referred to as "Thai Ginseng" due to its traditional use in Thai medicine as a tonic and adaptogen. Adaptogens are a class of herbs that are believed to help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. Like ginseng, fingerroot is thought to have a range of potential health benefits, including improving energy and endurance, reducing stress and anxiety, and boosting the immune system. It can be used in many ways to improve health and well-being.


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