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Pure Essential Oils

31. Tangerine (Citrus reticulata var. tangerine - South Africa)

Tangerine essential oil has a very delicated aroma, true to the scent of the fruit rind, and is golden yellow color with sweet and fruity aroma. A major application of this oil is in treating digestive problems, as it has a tonic and stimulant effect on both the stomach and liver. Its effect on the intestines is calming and even more effective when combined with other citrus oils such as Lemon. For skin care, it's one of the safest essential oil that is very gentle and excellent component of massage oils for the prevention of stretch-marks.


Pure Essential Oils

32. Valerian Root 10% (Valeriana officinalis - Nepal)

Valerian, highly esteemed since medieval times, was once referred to as "all heal". It has been used for a variety of complaints, especially where there is nervous tension or restlessness, such as insomnia, migraines, dysmenorrhea, intestinal colic, rheumatism, and as a pain reliever. It has the ability to relax the central nervous system and smooth muscle groups. It has been used as a sleeping aid for hundreds of years, particularly when there is excitation or difficulty falling asleep due to nervousness.


Pure Essential Oils

33. Wild Mint (Mentha arvensis - Nepal)

Wild Mint has a dual action by cooling when hot and warming when cold. This makes it a good remedy for colds by halting mucus and fevers and encouraging perspiration, useful in respiratory disorders generally as well as dry coughs and sinus congestion. It has a relaxing and slightly anesthetic effect on stomach muscles, may be helpful for kidney and liver disorders. Its cooling nature seems to relieve states of anger and nervous trembling, excellent for mental fatigue and depression. Blend well with Cypress, Lavender, Marjoram and Rosemary.


Pure Essential Oils

34. Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens - Nepal)

Wintergreen oil extracted from the leaves. It has sweet minty aroma, very similar to Peppermint Oil and has wide variety of uses in aromatherapy and body products for its energizing and immune enhancing properties since it lowers inflammation and reduces pain. Diluted wintergreen oil can be applied topically or diffused via a vaporizer. It's popularly used for treating or relieving certain health conditions. It's most renowned as a pain reliever for muscular problems. In fact, it is usually added to liniments and topical pain relievers.


Pure Essential Oils

35. Benzoin Siam 50% (Styrax tonkinensis - Thailand)

Benzoin is derived from a tree which grows in Thailand. The pure Benzoin is thick semi-solid resin, dark brown color with sweet, vanilla-like odour. Normally Benzoin dissolved in ethyl glycol or alcohol but we have some special technique to blend with Lavender essential oil and remove some resins out of the oil, the result is clear brown oil with sweet, vanilla-like and floral tone oil. Very easy to use. The oil is soothing and stimulating, it helpful for colds, flu, coughs and sore throats. It's excellent to relief depression and anxious when combines with rose oil.


Pure Essential Oils

36. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia - Italy)

Bergamot essential oil has a delightlyfully fresh, citrussy aroma, which is almost universally liked. This oil is valuable in treating urinary tract infection, depression and anxiety, and used in skin care. It can be added to the bath, and used as a local wash, it relief of vaginal itching and mild discharges. Psychologically, Bergamot is uplifting, clearing and relaxing oil, it can be used in massage oil for tense, anxious or depressed peoples. It can be used in facial massage oil, cream or lotions for treating acne, oily skin and all infected skin conditions.


Pure Essential Oils

37. Blackpepper (Piper nigrum - Indonesia)

Blackpepper has been used in the East for medicinal and culinary purpose. It gives tone to skeletal muscles. Dilation of the local blood vessels makes it useful for muscular aches and pains, tired and aching limbs and muscular stiffness. Good oil to use before excessive exertion like sport. Also helpful with rheumatoid arthritis and temporary paralysis of the limbs, it also has a beneficial effect on respiratory illnesses, particularly where there is a feeling of cold. Yet can bring down high temperatures in very small amounts. Good for anti-cellulite.


Pure Essential Oils

38. Celery Seed (Apium graveolens - India)

Celery Seed oil is valuable in aromatherapy purpose. It helps to reduce blood pressure, remove excessive fluid from the body, prevent or relieve intestinal gas and treat insomnia. It is used for blood purification and as a cure for gallstones and kidney stones. It alleviates arthritic pain, treats rheumatic conditions, and can be used to treat gout. Celery extracts have been studied for the development of nutraceuticals-specifically their antioxidant properties, and their ability to regulate blood sugar and to prevent the aggregation of platelets in the blood.


Pure Essential Oils

39. Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum - Madagascar)

Cinnamon is excellent in burning to ward off colds, flu and all other airborne infections and contagious diseases. Blended carefully into massage oil, cinnamon is good for digestive complaints and helps a sluggish digestion, flatulence and intestinal infection. Psychologically, cinnamon is fortifying and reviving. It is indicated for general nervous debility and for older people during winter to warm both mind and body. Cinnamon restores a zest for life and inspires courage. Overall, cinnamon is warming, invigorating, restorative and uplifting.


Pure Essential Oils

40. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum - India)

Coriander is a plant that grows wild or cultivated in North Africa and Russia, the essential oil extracted from seeds that have different aroma from the leaves. It is colorless or pale yellow with very pleasant, fresh and spicy with sweet musky-woody odour. The oil stimulates and aids digestion, it has been used in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. It's also good for gout, muscular aches, poor circulation and fluid retention with gently warming and comforting. The Coriander Oil from India has more herbal and spice scent than another one from Egypt.


Pure Essential Oils

41. Cypress French (Cupressus sempervirens - France)

Cypress acts as a tonic to the circulatory system and also of use where there is excess heat. Its tonic effect on the liver helps to maintain the regular composition of the blood. Generally has proven helpful with the reproductive system, particularly menstrual problems such as pre-menstrual tension and the difficult side effects of the menopause, hormone imbalance and irritability. An antispasmodic action can help coughs associated with influenza, whooping cough and asthma. Good for using as the anti-cellulite blends for the body care products.


Pure Essential Oils

42. Elemi (Canarium luzonicum - Philippines)

Elemi is a tropical tree native to the Philippines. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the resin, similar to Frankincense or Myrrh, it has yellowish clear color and a pleasant aroma. It is effective for all chest infections, catarrh, and sinusitis. It's also an excellent skin-care oil with rejuvenating effects and reduces wrinkles. The oil has an action on the emotional and spiritual planes. It's a harmonizing oil, aligning mind, body, and spirit. It's a wonderful oil to burn during meditation when used with Frankincense.


Pure Essential Oils

43. Eucalyptus Radiata (Eucalyptus radiata - Madagascar)

Eucalyptus Radiata is native to Australia but also widely grown in Madagascar. The essential oil has similar properties as Eucalyptus globulus oil but less intense and milder. It has a powerful antibacterial, antifungal and anti-infectious action, which makes it very useful for all types of infection. When vaporised, its decongestant action helps to clear sinusitis, a stuffy nose or relieve chestiness, as well as helping to stop coughs and colds spreading. It also makes a highly effective insect repellent. The most suitable Eucalyptus Oil for using with children.


Pure Essential Oils

44. Frankincense Serrata (Boswellia serrata - India)

Frankincense from India is distinct from other varieties sourced from Somalia, Kenya, or Oman. With the highest production worldwide, it boasts the most affordable price among Frankincense essential oils. While it may not be as effective in skincare or aromatherapy, it is still a cost-effective option with a pleasant scent, making it an ideal ingredient in deodorants and natural room sprays or diffusers. It is an excellent choice for those seeking the characteristic scent of Frankincense, while also being budget-friendly.


Pure Essential Oils

45. Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi - Italy)

Grapefruit has an overall uplifting and reviving effect, making it valuable in states of stress. Well have a balancing action on the central nervous system since bears a reputation for stabilizing manic-depression. Has an ability to nourish the tissue cells and control liquid processes, could help with reducing cellulite, appears to have a soothing effect on the body since it is said to relieve migraine, pre-menstrual tension and uncomfortable feeling during pregnancy. It also seems to mitigate some of the effects of jet lag, headaches and tiredness.


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